Montag, 28. November 2016

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] REMINDER: "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 28.11.2016, 17:15, D-125, Gerard de Melo - Rutgers The State University of New Jersey/USA

Dear All,

May we kindly remind you of the „UHH Informatik Kolloquium" today,
28.11.2016 at 17:15 in room D-125. Please see also the initial invitation below.

Best regards
On behalf of the colloquium committee
Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Von: Fbi-alle <> on behalf of Stephanie Schulte Hemming <>
Datum: Mittwoch, 16. November 2016 08:55
An: "" <>
Betreff: [Fbi-alle] [Kolloquium] Invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 28.11.2016, 17:15, D-125, Gerard de Melo - Rutgers The State University of New Jersey/USA

This is an invitation to the next "UHH Informatik Kolloquium³


Dr. Gerard de Melo
Assistant Professor at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey/USA
Department of Computer Science


Monday, 28.11.2016, 17:15


Informatikum, Room D-125 


TOPIC: Making Semantic Technology Intelligent


This talk will be held in English 


Semantic technology, once a niche academic endeavour, has evolved to the point of becoming an important asset for big organizations and enterprises. Yet, it remains unclear how to relate existing knowledge graphs to the vast amounts of text and structured data available online. In this talk, I will argue that this challenge calls for a move towards more cognitive approaches, including 1) better knowledge integration methods, 2) an increased reliance on linguistic knowledge, and 3) neural modeling. The talk will showcase several of our contributions towards this goal. These include our work on large multilingual knowledge graphs such as the Universal Wordnet, on integrated semantic resources such as FrameBase, and on large-scale common-sense resources such as WebChild.


Gerard de Melo is joining Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He previously served as an Assistant Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, heading the Web Mining and Language Technology group. Over the years, he has published over 70 research papers, with Best Paper awards at CIKM 2010, ICGL 2008, and the NAACL 2015 Workshop on Vector Space Modeling, as well as an ACL 2014 Best Paper Honorable Mention, a Best Student Paper Award nomination at ESWC 2015, and the WWW 2011 Best Demonstration Award, among others. Prior to joining Tsinghua, de Melo had spent two years as a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, working in the ICSI AI group. He received his doctoral degree at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. For more information, please refer to his home page at


Prof. Chris Biemann

Kolloquium mailing list

Mittwoch, 16. November 2016

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] Invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 28.11.2016, 17:15, D-125, Gerard de Melo - Rutgers The State University of New Jersey/USA

This is an invitation to the next "UHH Informatik Kolloquium³


Dr. Gerard de Melo
Assistant Professor at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey/USA
Department of Computer Science


Monday, 28.11.2016, 17:15


Informatikum, Room D-125 


TOPIC: Making Semantic Technology Intelligent


This talk will be held in English 


Semantic technology, once a niche academic endeavour, has evolved to the point of becoming an important asset for big organizations and enterprises. Yet, it remains unclear how to relate existing knowledge graphs to the vast amounts of text and structured data available online. In this talk, I will argue that this challenge calls for a move towards more cognitive approaches, including 1) better knowledge integration methods, 2) an increased reliance on linguistic knowledge, and 3) neural modeling. The talk will showcase several of our contributions towards this goal. These include our work on large multilingual knowledge graphs such as the Universal Wordnet, on integrated semantic resources such as FrameBase, and on large-scale common-sense resources such as WebChild.


Gerard de Melo is joining Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer Science. He previously served as an Assistant Professor at Tsinghua University, Beijing, heading the Web Mining and Language Technology group. Over the years, he has published over 70 research papers, with Best Paper awards at CIKM 2010, ICGL 2008, and the NAACL 2015 Workshop on Vector Space Modeling, as well as an ACL 2014 Best Paper Honorable Mention, a Best Student Paper Award nomination at ESWC 2015, and the WWW 2011 Best Demonstration Award, among others. Prior to joining Tsinghua, de Melo had spent two years as a Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley, working in the ICSI AI group. He received his doctoral degree at the Max Planck Institute for Informatics. For more information, please refer to his home page at


Prof. Chris Biemann

Kolloquium mailing list

Montag, 14. November 2016

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] REMINDER: "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 14.11.16, 17:15, B-201, Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop, "Antrittsvorlesung"

Dear All,

May we kindly remind you of the „UHH Informatik Kolloquium" today,
14.11.2016 at 17:15 (B-201). Prof. Frintrop and the colloquium committee
is looking forward to seeing you all there and to sharing this talk with
you (please see also the initial invitation below).

Best regards
On behalf of the colloquium committee
Stephanie Schulte Hemming

Am 01.11.16 09:30 schrieb "Fbi-alle on behalf of Schulte Hemming,
Stephanie" unter < on
behalf of>:

>This is an invitation to the next "UHH Informatik Kolloquium³
>Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop - Antrittsvorlesung
>Computer Vision (CV), HCC
>Department of Informatics
>Universität Hamburg
>Monday, 14.11.2016, 17:15
>Informatikum, Room B-201 Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal
>TOPIC: Cognitive Computer Vision for Mobile Systems
>This talk will be held in English or German, according to preference
>The amount of digital images in our daily live has grown exponentially
>during the last years, cameras are low-cost sensors which are present
>everywhere, and billions of images are daily shared on social media. Also
>the industrial interest in methods for digital image and video processing
>is increasing strongly. As a consequence, the need for algorithms that
>automatically improve, analyze, and
>interpret images also rises more and more. Fortunately, the research field
>of computer vision has also advanced strongly during the last decade and
>many things which were not feasible a few years ago are suddenly
>achievable. However, when it comes to seemingly simple daily live
>questions such as "how many objects are on this table?", current systems
>reach their limits and it shows that the human visual system still
>outperforms machines clearly.
>In my research group, we focus on biologically inspired methods for
>computer vision. That means, we develop algorithms that follow mechanisms
>of human vision, outgoing from psychophysical and neurobiological
>findings. Topics of our research include the detection of saliency in
>images and the discovery of objects. We focus on methods for mobile
>systems, such as wearable cameras or autonomous service robots.
>Since March 2016: Professor of Computer Vision at the department of
>informatics, Universität Hamburg
>2015-2016: Privatdozentin (lecturer) at the university of Bonn
>2014: Habilitation at the university of Bonn
>2006-2016: Senior researcher at the university of Bonn.
>2005-2006: Postdoc at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in
>Stockholm. Member of the EU project Neurobotics
>2005: Defense of my PhD thesis with the topic: "VOCUS: A Visual Attention
>System for Object Detection and Goal-directed Search", supervisor: Joachim
>2002-2005: PhD student at the Fraunhofer Institute of Autonomous
>Intelligent Systems (AIS, later renamed to IAIS). Member of the EU project
>2001: Diploma in computer science at the university of Bonn. Topic of
>diploma thesis: "Robuste Roboterlokalisierung mit omnidirektionaler
>Bildsensorik³. Supervisor: Joachim Hertzberg
>Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schirmer
>Kolloquium mailing list

Kolloquium mailing list
HiForum-Verteiler mailing list

Sonntag, 13. November 2016

[HIForum] Einladung ins Computer-Museum

Liebe Mitglieder des Hamburger Informatik-Forums!

Einen herzlichen Gruß aus dem Computer-Museum verbunden mit einer Einladung und einer Spendensuche.

Das Computer-Museum hat sich zu einem spannenden Ort entwickelt, nicht zuletzt durch kleine Sachspenden von HIForum-Mitgliedern.
Von den Anfängen des Rechnens mit mechanischen Rechenhilfen und des Schreibens, Speicherns und Übertragens von Daten über eine reichhaltige Sammlung von Tisch- und Taschenrechnern, Telefonen, Homecomputern, ersten Computern mit graphischer Oberfläche und Maus, portable Computer bis zur ersten Kugel-Maus und ihren Nachkommen im Mouse-oleum lassen sich bahnbrechende Entwicklungen der Informatik verfolgen.

Als Zeitzeuge dieser rasanten Entwicklung möchte ich - speziell als Dank für die Unterstützung durch HIForum e.V. - allen Interessierten in einer Führung diese Schätze zeigen. Da der Platz beschränkt ist, können nur maximal 15 Personen an dieser Führung teilnehmen. Bei Bedarf lassen sich aber weitere Termine vereinbaren.

  Führung durch das Computer-Museum
       Freitag, 9. Dezember 2016, 17:00 Uhr
    Treffpunkt: Eingang Haus B (Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal)
        danach sind wir im Haus C, Raum C-015 (Keller)

Ich bitte um Anmeldung per E-Mail an
Ich freue mich auf alle Interessentinnen und Interessenten!

Zur Vervollständigung der Sammlung suche ich noch folgende Dinge:
- Taschenrechner HP 35
- Homecomputer Sinclair ZX 80
- Minicomputer Canon CAT (Jeff Raskin)
- Microsoft green-eyed mouse (1983)
- IBM 5100 portable computer (1975)
- IBM 5110 (1978)
- Commodore Executive 64
- Nokia Communicator 9000 (1996)
- Atari CX 80 Trackball
- Logitech P4 Mouse

Falls jemand einen der Gegenstände besitzt (oder jemanden kennt, ...) und nicht dem Müll überantworten möchte, würde ich mich über Angebote sehr freuen.

Mit besten Vorweihnachtsgrüßen
Prof. i.R. Dr. Horst Oberquelle

Dienstag, 1. November 2016

[HIForum] [Kolloquium] Invitation to the "UHH Informatik Kolloquium" Mo 14.11.16, 17:15, B-201, Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop, Antrittsvorlesung

This is an invitation to the next "UHH Informatik Kolloquium³


Prof. Dr. Simone Frintrop - Antrittsvorlesung
Computer Vision (CV), HCC
Department of Informatics
Universität Hamburg


Monday, 14.11.2016, 17:15


Informatikum, Room B-201 Konrad-Zuse-Hörsaal


TOPIC: Cognitive Computer Vision for Mobile Systems


This talk will be held in English or German, according to preference


The amount of digital images in our daily live has grown exponentially
during the last years, cameras are low-cost sensors which are present
everywhere, and billions of images are daily shared on social media. Also
the industrial interest in methods for digital image and video processing
is increasing strongly. As a consequence, the need for algorithms that
automatically improve, analyze, and
interpret images also rises more and more. Fortunately, the research field
of computer vision has also advanced strongly during the last decade and
many things which were not feasible a few years ago are suddenly
achievable. However, when it comes to seemingly simple daily live
questions such as "how many objects are on this table?", current systems
reach their limits and it shows that the human visual system still
outperforms machines clearly.

In my research group, we focus on biologically inspired methods for
computer vision. That means, we develop algorithms that follow mechanisms
of human vision, outgoing from psychophysical and neurobiological
findings. Topics of our research include the detection of saliency in
images and the discovery of objects. We focus on methods for mobile
systems, such as wearable cameras or autonomous service robots.


Since March 2016: Professor of Computer Vision at the department of
informatics, Universität Hamburg
2015-2016: Privatdozentin (lecturer) at the university of Bonn
2014: Habilitation at the university of Bonn
2006-2016: Senior researcher at the university of Bonn.
2005-2006: Postdoc at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in
Stockholm. Member of the EU project Neurobotics
2005: Defense of my PhD thesis with the topic: "VOCUS: A Visual Attention
System for Object Detection and Goal-directed Search", supervisor: Joachim
2002-2005: PhD student at the Fraunhofer Institute of Autonomous
Intelligent Systems (AIS, later renamed to IAIS). Member of the EU project
2001: Diploma in computer science at the university of Bonn. Topic of
diploma thesis: "Robuste Roboterlokalisierung mit omnidirektionaler
Bildsensorik³. Supervisor: Joachim Hertzberg


Prof. Dr. Ingrid Schirmer

Kolloquium mailing list
HiForum-Verteiler mailing list